
How to submit images to Picture Nottingham

People frequently ask us how they can submit their own photographs for inclusion on the 'Picture Nottingham' website. We are always delighted to hear about new images that we can include. The following guidelines are intended to answer some of the questions we are most commonly asked.

Can I send my photographs to you?

Yes.  We’re happy to receive images for inclusion into the Picture Nottingham and Nottingham Local Studies Library collections.  We particularly welcome images of buildings, streets and local areas, as well as events and local landmarks.

First of all, we need to check that we have permission to display any new images on the website and so we need you to fill in a form to give us your permission and also so that we can check the copyright of the images. Please complete and include this form each time you send new images to us.

Download The Picture Nottingham Donation Form

Once you’ve completed the form, you can send digital images to us on a cd or dvd, or you can post the original photos to us so that we can add them to our library collection and Picture Nottingham.

Can I post my photographs to you?

Yes, but if you choose to post photographs to us, we strongly recommend that you send them to us by registered post because we can’t take responsibility for any items that are lost in the post.

Please package securely and post with a signed consent form to:

Nottingham Central Library
1 Carrington Street

Download The Picture Nottingham Donation Form

Can I scan my photographs?

Yes. To preserve your image effectively we need to make sure we start with a good quality digital scan. We therefore request that the resolution of any digital images is at least 300dpi and the scan is preferably sized at around A4 (roughly 30cm x 21cm or 10" x 8") irrespective of the size of the original. Images can be saved as Jpegs with minimal compression. Generally speaking, a Jpeg with a file size of around 1.5MB to 2MB is ideal.

We also accept high resolution TIFF files.

How can I send digitised images?

Please send digitised images to us on a CD or DVD together with a signed consent form.

Download The Picture Nottingham Donation Form

Do you want modern photographs?

Yes. We don't have many images from the 1930s to the 1960s so we are particularly interested to hear about any from that era. However, we welcome any images, even modern day ones which can be used to show how an area has changed over time.

What extra information can we send to you?

To be of real value, any photograph needs information to explain it to the viewer. It is therefore really helpful if you can provide the following for each photograph:

Location or Street
Date of Image
Additional notes

Please send this information as a text file, a spreadsheet, a letter or in an email so that we can add it to our database.

Please email us at if you have further questions.