Description: This view shows the River Leen looking south from the parapet of Wilkinson Street Bridge. On the left is Gauntley Street. The bridge in the background carries Plimsole Street, which serves as a service road to the soap works (Gerard Brothers, whose trade mark is Ino), Dobson & Dobson's Lace Bleaching and Finishing Works (their mill was once powered by the River Leen), and other small industrial undertakings. In the 1965 anti-flood scheme, the river has been diverted eastwards from the end of the steel-piled section on the left. Prior to that it turned almost at right-angles in a westerly direction. The four weirs were constructed to reduce the surge of the water. The two boys on this end of the wall are enjoying themselves by seeing who can make the biggest splash with their stones. Gauntly Street and Plimsole Street are in the Hyson Green clearance area and several properties, as can be seen, are already tinned-up.