An Augustinian chapel, believed to have been built shortly after AD 1100. It was given early and late perpendicular tracery windows during the Middle Ages. Sookholme was owned by monasteries during the middle ages.
This is the smallest church in the Mansfield Deanery. The exact date of the construction of the Parish Church of S.S.Peter and Paul is not known, but it was probably in the late Saxon or early Norman times, in the reigns of Henry I or Stephen. But the major part of the church can be attributed to the Norman's. The great square tower is certainly of the early Norman period, with an original Norman Light on the south side and an incised Maltese Cross which may be one of the original consecration crosses, on the east side. Much original Norman and some Early English masonry can still be seen, but the church has been added to over the years and did not escape the vigorous restorations of the church-wardens in the 17th century. (Information supplied).