Description: Named after Lord Frederick Sleigh Roberts, of Khandahar, Pretoria and Waterford (1832-1914) or 'Bobs', as he was popularly known. He was the Wellington of the late Victorian era. The 'saviour' of the British Empire and its honour on a number of occasions in the perpetual colonial wars fought throughout Queen Victoria's reign. A national hero who had subdued the Boers in South Africa and had already become a legend with his epic retreat from Khabul to Khandahar during the Afghan War of 1878. During World War 1, the empire looked to Roberts to win it. However, whilst visiting the troops in France after the equally celebrated retreat from the Marne in August 1914, he contracted pneumonia and died. A photograph can be seen of him in the grounds of Serlby Hall, Bawtry, in NCCN000552.