Description: The siege of Mafeking was the most celebrated siege of the second Boer War. Colonel Robert Baden-Powell and a detachment of British troops and townspeople were besieged by the Dutch-Afrikaner Boers. On 11 October 1899 a Boer force of several thousand men, under General Piet Cronje surrounded the two neighbouring towns of Mafeking (occupied by approximately 1500 whites) and Mafikeng (a Tshidi Barolong stadt of approximately 5 000 under Chief Wessels Montshiwa). The siege of the two towns lasted until 17 May 1900, a total of 217 days. The news of their relief aroused public hysteria in Britain, the celebrations being known as 'mafficking'. The announcement of the relief of Mafeking was made somewhat unconventionally by an excited footman at the Mansion House, Piccadilly Circus, at 9:35 p.m. of May 18th. In an instant the news was all over the crowded space in front of the building, and as if by magic scores of Union Jacks made their appearance, whilst the crowd sang 'God Save the Queen' and cheered for Baden-Powell, Roberts and all the generals they could think of.